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Lior Lachman

" I finally realized: you can't run away from it. When you have good hands and a vocation, something that makes you happy, that's where you can be the best, and that's where you'll make the most money. I met a friend from Shankar that I hadn't seen for a long time. There were a lot of people there that I hadn't seen for many years, and all of them were creative. I was in the market. No one was homeless, they were all older people doing something creative. I realized that maybe you could make a living and also have fun. "


About Lior

Lior Lachman, 30, married to Bar Goren, curator at the Tel Aviv Center for Contemporary Art. Tattoo artist, owner of Lev Studio and Palms and Tigers, beautiful products for the home that I manufacture or import. My interests are pretty much everything, especially art, design, architecture, books and trends.

Where do you work from?

From Lev Studio, or from my office at home.

Your favorite part of the day?

I get up early and I love these hours when I'm alone. The strong sun that suddenly shines, the light that fills me with inspiration for the entire day. I go for a run in the morning, and then start my day, which is always full of people and beautiful faces, and the energies of a studio.

A task that you would be glad not to do?

I really don't enjoy unpacking goods from the boxes and arranging them in the closet.

A defining moment, or a turning point in your career that you particularly remember?

I remember when I first opened my Instagram account. I was really contemplating whether to choose a sophisticated name for myself, or a studio name. In the end I went for ‘Lior Lachman’. It's a moment like this, when you say to yourself, ok that's it, that's all there is, now let’s go.

" I studied fashion design but left in my fourth year because I felt that I didn't truly want to be a fashion designer. I mainly worked with leather, bags and accessories. What attracted me was the layout of the material and how things are constructed, or how they transform from 2D to 3D. "


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